How can Switch-Up Hypnotherapy help me with anxiety, PTSD, and panic attacks?

Published on 24 October 2024 at 07:00

PTSD, anxiety and panic attacks are debilitating for millions of people worldwide. These conditions, although often used interchangeably, differ significantly in their manifestation and impact. Anxiety typically involves a persistent sense of worry or dread, which can be generalised or triggered by specific situations. In contrast, panic attacks are sudden, intense bursts of fear or discomfort, often accompanied by physical symptoms like heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and dizziness. It can even almost feel like you are going to die. PTSD occurs after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. It’s common in those who have been through violence, accidents, abuse, or other life-threatening situations.


The root causes of anxiety and panic attacks vary, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and past traumatic experiences. Traditional treatments range from medication to psychotherapy, each with its own benefits and limitations. However, a growing number of people are turning to alternative therapies like hypnotherapy for relief. At Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, we offer a specialised approach to managing and alleviating anxiety and panic attacks.


Anxiety, PTSD, and panic attacks can disrupt your life in profound ways. Whether you’re facing constant worry, experiencing the lingering effects of trauma, or dealing with sudden panic attacks, these conditions can make everyday tasks feel overwhelming. At Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, we use a combination of hypnotherapy techniques, along with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) strategies, to help you regain control. By addressing the root causes of your anxiety, PTSD, Complex PTSD, and panic attacks, we create a personalised path to recovery.


Understanding Anxiety, PTSD, Complex PTSD, "Nervous Breakdown", and Panic Attacks


While these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, each condition is different. To help you better understand how hypnotherapy can address these issues, it’s important to know the distinctions between them.



Anxiety is characterised by persistent feelings of worry, fear, or unease. It can be triggered by specific situations (such as social events or deadlines) or present as a constant state of tension. Anxiety affects your ability to focus, sleep, and engage in daily activities. Symptoms can include:

  • Restlessness

  • Irritability

  • Muscle tension

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Insomnia

Anxiety can range from mild to severe and often lasts for long periods if untreated. Hypnotherapy focuses on reprogramming the subconscious mind to respond calmly in situations that typically cause anxiety.


Panic Attacks

A panic attack is a sudden, intense episode of fear or discomfort. Unlike anxiety, which is usually more constant, panic attacks are short-lived but can be extremely distressing. Common symptoms of panic attacks include:

  • Rapid heartbeat

  • Shortness of breath

  • Sweating or trembling

  • Chest pain or discomfort

  • Feeling detached from reality

Panic attacks can happen unexpectedly or be triggered by specific situations. Hypnotherapy works by reducing the intensity of panic responses and helping you regain control over these sudden episodes.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD occurs after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. It’s common in those who have been through violence, accidents, abuse, or other life-threatening situations. Symptoms include:

  • Flashbacks or intrusive memories of the trauma

  • Nightmares

  • Severe anxiety

  • Emotional numbness

  • Avoidance of anything that reminds the person of the trauma

PTSD is a long-term condition that can affect relationships, work, and overall well-being. Hypnotherapy helps by addressing the subconscious triggers linked to the trauma, reducing the emotional intensity of the memories.


Complex PTSD

Complex PTSD develops after prolonged exposure to trauma, especially in cases where the person felt trapped (e.g., childhood abuse or domestic violence). Symptoms are similar to PTSD but can include additional challenges such as:

  • Difficulty controlling emotions

  • Feeling of powerlessness or hopelessness

  • Negative self-perception

  • Difficulty maintaining relationships

Treatment for Complex PTSD often requires long-term support. Hypnotherapy, in combination with techniques such as CBT, helps address these deep-rooted issues and encourages emotional healing over time.


Nervous Breakdown

A nervous breakdown isn’t a formal medical term, but it’s commonly used to describe a period of intense mental distress. During a nervous breakdown, you may feel unable to cope with life’s demands, leading to a temporary inability to function normally. Symptoms can vary but often include:

  • Extreme stress and anxiety

  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • Physical symptoms like fatigue or headaches

  • Withdrawal from social interactions

Hypnotherapy can help restore a sense of calm and control, allowing you to manage the symptoms of a nervous breakdown and regain your ability to function.


Potential Causes 

The causes of these conditions can be complex and often involve a combination of factors. Here are some common contributors:

  • Trauma: A history of physical, emotional, or sexual trauma can lead to PTSD or Complex PTSD, and also contribute to anxiety or panic disorders.

  • Chronic Stress: Ongoing stress from work, relationships, or financial issues can build up over time, leading to anxiety or even a nervous breakdown.

  • Genetics: Some individuals are more predisposed to anxiety or panic disorders due to their genetic makeup.

  • Substance Use: Excessive use of drugs or alcohol can worsen anxiety and trigger panic attacks.

  • Health Conditions: Thyroid problems, heart issues, or chronic illness can lead to symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks.

Understanding the root causes of your condition is crucial in developing a personalised treatment plan.

What is Hypnotherapy?


Hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy that uses the power of suggestion to encourage positive changes in your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. During a hypnotherapy session, I guide you into a state of deep relaxation, almost like a guided meditation. In this state, the mind becomes highly focused and more open to suggestion, allowing me to work on the subconscious mind to address the root causes of anxiety and panic attacks.


The Science Behind Hypnotherapy


Scientific research supports the effectiveness of hypnotherapy for anxiety, PTSD, and panic disorders. Studies show that hypnosis can alter brain activity, improving emotional regulation and reducing stress responses. Hypnotherapy activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which triggers relaxation and reduces the production of stress hormones like cortisol. Hypnotherapy can reduce the frequency and intensity of panic attacks, lower overall anxiety levels, and improve quality of life. The effectiveness of hypnotherapy is rooted in its ability to tap into your subconscious mind, where many of your fears and anxieties reside. By addressing these issues at their core, hypnotherapy can facilitate your lasting change.


By using techniques such as guided imagery, suggestion therapy, and relaxation exercises, Switch-Up Hypnotherapy helps "reprogram" the brain’s response to stress, anxiety, and trauma. Over time, these new responses become more natural, leading to long-term relief from symptoms.


How Switch-Up Hypnotherapy Works


At Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, I have developed a unique approach to treating anxiety and panic attacks. Our method combines traditional hypnotherapy techniques with modern psychological principles to create a holistic treatment plan tailored to your needs. I follow a structured, yet personalised approach to treating anxiety, PTSD, Complex PTSD, nervous breakdowns, and panic attacks. Here’s a step-by-step guide to how we work with clients:


1. Initial Consultation

The process begins with an initial consultation, where we discuss your specific symptoms, triggers, and goals. This allows me to develop a personalised treatment plan that addresses your unique situation. During this session, I also provide an overview of what to expect during hypnotherapy and answer any questions you may have.


2. Personalised Treatment Plan

Based on the initial consultation, we create a personalised treatment plan that addresses your unique needs, and may include a combination of hypnotherapy sessions, relaxation techniques, and cognitive-behavioural strategies. This comprehensive approach ensures that we address both the symptoms and underlying causes of your anxiety and panic attacks.  The goal is to create lasting change in the way your subconscious mind responds to anxiety or trauma triggers.


3. Hypnotherapy Sessions

Our hypnotherapy sessions are designed to help you achieve a state of deep relaxation, where your mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions. During these sessions, we use a variety of techniques to help you manage anxiety and panic attacks, including:


  • Progressive Relaxation: We guide you through a series of relaxation exercises to help calm your mind and body. This technique is particularly effective for reducing the physical symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks.


  • Guided Imagery: We use vivid imagery to help you visualise a peaceful and safe place. This technique can help reduce anxiety by providing a mental escape from stressful situations.


  • Positive Affirmations: We use positive affirmations to help reframe negative thought patterns and beliefs. This can help build confidence and resilience, making it easier to cope with anxiety and panic attacks.


  • Anchoring: We teach you how to create a mental anchor, such as a specific gesture or word, that you can use to trigger a state of calm during moments of anxiety or panic.


Each session at Switch-Up Hypnotherapy is designed to help you achieve specific goals. For example, if panic attacks are your main concern, we might focus on techniques that help reduce the intensity and frequency of panic responses. I use suggestion therapy, guided relaxation, and visualisation techniques to reframe negative thought patterns and reinforce positive behaviours.


4. Ongoing Support

    • For clients dealing with PTSD or Complex PTSD, ongoing support is essential. Recovery from trauma is a long-term process, and we’re here to provide the necessary guidance and encouragement throughout your journey.

    • We also teach self-hypnosis techniques that can be used between sessions to reinforce the benefits of hypnotherapy.


I believe that ongoing support can be crucial for some people's long-term success. We will not chase you for follow-up sessions and leave it up to you to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. I can also offer resources and tools, such as guided meditation recordings and self-hypnosis techniques, to help you maintain your progress between sessions.


5. Cognitive-Behavioural Strategies

At Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, we often integrate Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques into our hypnotherapy sessions to help you develop healthier thought patterns and coping mechanisms. This might include identifying and challenging irrational thoughts, learning mindfulness techniques, and practising stress management skills.

 CBT is a proven method for treating anxiety, PTSD, and panic disorders by helping clients identify and change negative thinking patterns. When combined with hypnotherapy, CBT becomes even more effective.

  • Identifying negative thoughts: CBT helps you recognise the thoughts that trigger anxiety or panic attacks. Once these thoughts are identified, hypnotherapy can be used to change the subconscious reactions to them.

  • Challenging negative beliefs: Hypnotherapy supports CBT by reinforcing new, healthier beliefs and responses to stressful situations.

  • Behavioural changes: Through suggestion therapy, hypnotherapy helps you adopt new behaviours that reduce anxiety or panic, such as relaxation techniques or breathing exercises.

From Anxiety to Success Stories


At Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, we have helped many clients overcome their anxiety and panic attacks. Here are a few success stories from our clients*:


  • Diarna’s Public Panic: Diarna came to me struggling with severe panic attacks that were affecting her daily life, particularly if she thought there was any chance of her needing to speak in front of a group at work, even if she knew everyone in the group. After just a few sessions, she noticed a significant reduction in the frequency and intensity of her panic attacks. Today, Diarna feels more in control of her emotions and is able to present to the Board of the company, where she has been promoted to State Manager.


  • Bruce’s Worst-Case: Bruce had been dealing with generalised anxiety for years. Driving on the highway, driving at night, walking next to a road, dealings with government and authority figures, overthinking of the worst-case scenario. Through our personalised treatment plan, he learned how to manage his anxiety effectively and develop healthier thought patterns. Bruce now feels more confident and empowered to handle stressful situations.


  • Michelle’s Fear of Judgement: Michelle experienced debilitating anxiety that made it difficult for her to perform at work. She would often need to be sent home, leaving her workmates to pick up the slack, and straining relations with customers. With my help, she was able to identify and address the root causes of her anxiety, which was a fear of judgement of her service. Michelle now feels more focused and productive at work and has a better work-life balance.



(*Names are always changed)

How Does Switch-Up Hypnotherapy Help with PTSD?


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Common symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. PTSD can significantly impair daily functioning, making it challenging for individuals to lead a normal life. While traditional therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and medication are often used to treat PTSD, hypnotherapy has emerged as a powerful complementary treatment.


Understanding PTSD and Its Impact

PTSD can stem from various traumatic experiences, including combat, natural disasters, accidents, and personal assaults. The disorder is characterized by a heightened state of arousal, where the individual feels constantly on edge, as if the traumatic event could recur at any moment. This perpetual state of alertness can lead to avoidance behaviors, emotional numbness, and difficulties in personal and professional relationships.


The Role of Hypnotherapy in Treating PTSD

Hypnotherapy can be an effective tool for managing PTSD because it works directly with the subconscious mind, where traumatic memories are stored. Through hypnotherapy, individuals can process and reframe these memories in a safe and controlled environment. This process helps reduce the emotional intensity associated with the trauma, allowing individuals to move forward with their lives.

At Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, we employ a comprehensive approach to treating PTSD that combines hypnotherapy with other therapeutic techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes for our clients.


Initial Assessment and Personalised Treatment Plan

The journey to healing begins with a thorough assessment of your symptoms, trauma history, and treatment goals. This initial consultation helps us develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Understanding the specific nature of your PTSD allows us to create targeted interventions that address both the symptoms and underlying causes of your condition.


Hypnotherapy Techniques for PTSD

Our hypnotherapy sessions utilise several evidence-based techniques to help you manage and overcome PTSD:


  • Regression Therapy: This technique involves guiding you back to the traumatic event in a controlled and safe environment. By revisiting the trauma, you can process the emotions and memories associated with it, leading to desensitization and emotional healing.

  • Ego State Therapy: This approach helps you access and work with different parts of your personality that may be affected by the trauma. By integrating these fragmented parts, you can achieve a sense of wholeness and inner peace.

  • Reframing and Rescripting: During hypnosis, we help you reframe the traumatic event and create new, positive associations. This process can alter the way your mind perceives and reacts to the trauma, reducing its impact on your daily life.

  • Anchoring Techniques: We teach you how to create mental anchors that you can use to trigger feelings of safety and calm during moments of distress. These anchors can be incredibly helpful in managing PTSD symptoms in real-time.

Integrating Cognitive-Behavioural Strategies

In addition to hypnotherapy, we incorporate cognitive-behavioral strategies to help you develop healthier thought patterns and coping mechanisms. This holistic approach ensures that you have a comprehensive toolkit to manage your PTSD symptoms effectively. Techniques may include:


  • Mindfulness and Grounding Exercises: These practices help you stay present and grounded, reducing the impact of intrusive thoughts and flashbacks.

  • Cognitive Restructuring: We work with you to identify and challenge negative thought patterns, replacing them with more positive and realistic perspectives.

  • Exposure Therapy: Gradual and controlled exposure to trauma-related stimuli can help desensitize you to triggers, reducing their power over you.

Post-Traumatic Success Stories

Many of our clients have found significant relief from PTSD through our comprehensive treatment approach. Here are a few success stories:


  • Mike runs toward danger: A policeman struggling with work-related PTSD, Mike experienced frequent flashbacks and nightmares, and occasional panic attacks. Through hypnotherapy and cognitive-behavioural strategies, Mike was able to process his traumatic memories and significantly reduce his symptoms. He now leads a more confident and fulfilling life, doing what he does best, which is "catching bad guys".

  • Jane drives her own future: Jane narrowly survived a severe car accident and was plagued by flashbacks and anxiety. Our personalised treatment plan helped her confront and reframe her traumatic memories. Today, Jane feels more in control of her emotions and is able to drive without fear.

  • David connects with loved ones: David experienced childhood sexual abuse that impacted his adult relationships. Through regression therapy and ego state work, David was able to integrate his fragmented parts and heal from his past. He now enjoys healthier, more meaningful connections with others.

PTSD can be a debilitating condition, but with the right support and treatment, recovery is possible. At Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, we’re committed to helping you overcome PTSD and reclaim your life. Our personalised, holistic approach ensures that you receive the care and support you need to achieve lasting relief. Contact me personally today to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step towards healing from PTSD.

The Benefits of Switch-Up Hypnotherapy

Switch-Up Hypnotherapy offers a range of benefits for clients dealing with anxiety, PTSD, Complex PTSD, and panic attacks:


  • Safe and natural: Hypnotherapy is a non-invasive, drug-free approach to managing mental health conditions.

  • Customised treatment: We tailor our treatment plans to meet your specific needs and goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective care possible. 

  • Holistic approach: We combine hypnotherapy with cognitive-behavioural strategies and relaxation techniques for a comprehensive approach to mental health. Our approach addresses both the symptoms and underlying causes of anxiety and panic attacks, promoting long-term relief and well-being.



  • Experienced Professional: As a certified and experienced clinical hypnotherapist, I am dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and improve your quality of life.

  • Long-term results: Hypnotherapy works at the subconscious level, making it easier to maintain positive changes over time.

  • Ongoing Support: We provide ongoing support and resources to help you maintain your progress and continue to thrive.

DIY Tips for Managing Anxiety

In addition to hypnotherapy, there are several techniques you can use on your own to help manage anxiety:


  1. Breathing exercises

    • Practice slow, deep breathing to calm your nervous system. A simple exercise is to inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4, and exhale for 4.

  2. Progressive muscle relaxation

    • Tense and relax each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working up to your head. This helps reduce physical tension and anxiety.

  3. Mindfulness meditation

    • Spend a few minutes each day practising mindfulness by focusing on your breath or observing your thoughts without judgement.

  4. Journaling

    • Write down your thoughts and worries in a journal. This can help you release pent-up emotions and gain perspective on what’s causing your anxiety.

  5. Stay active

    • Regular physical activity helps reduce anxiety by releasing endorphins and improving your overall mood.

How to Get Started


If you’re ready to take the first step towards overcoming your anxiety and panic attacks, we’re here to help. Getting started with Switch-Up Hypnotherapy is easy:


  1. Schedule an Initial Consultation: Contact us to schedule your initial consultation. During this session, we’ll discuss your symptoms, triggers, and goals, and develop a personalised treatment plan.


  2. Begin Your Treatment Plan: Once your treatment plan is in place, you’ll begin your hypnotherapy sessions. Our team will guide you through each step of the process and provide the support you need to succeed.


  3. Maintain Your Progress: After completing your initial treatment plan, we’ll provide ongoing support to help you maintain your progress and continue to thrive.


By addressing the subconscious mind directly, Switch-Up Hypnotherapy offers a powerful, effective approach to managing anxiety, PTSD, Complex PTSD, and panic attacks. If you're ready to take the next step towards a calmer, more balanced life, contact us today to start your personalised hypnotherapy journey.


Anxiety, PTSD,  and panic attacks can be overwhelming, but they don’t have to control your life. With the right support and treatment, you can learn to manage your symptoms and lead a happier, healthier life. At Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve lasting relief from anxiety, PTSD,  and panic attacks. Our personalised, holistic approach ensures that you receive the care and support you need to succeed. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step towards a brighter future.


Make a booking now


Luke O'Dwyer

Switch-Up Hypnotherapy 

0407 88 45 43

Co-occurrence of Anxiety and Negative Coping Mechanisms


Anxiety often doesn’t exist in isolation. Many people turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with the overwhelming emotions associated with anxiety. These can include behaviours such as smoking and vaping, using alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs, gambling, overeating, or engaging in compulsive habits like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) behaviours and Body-Focused Repetitive Disorders (BFRDs).


At Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, we understand that when anxiety and these negative coping mechanisms co-occur, they can reinforce one another, creating a difficult cycle to break. Our personalised approach addresses not just the anxiety but also the unhealthy behaviours that come with it, helping you regain control and make healthier choices in your life.


Smoking and / or Vaping

Many people use smoking or vaping as a way to cope with stress and anxiety. Nicotine provides a temporary relief from tension, but it actually exacerbates anxiety over time by altering brain chemistry and reinforcing dependency. Our Stop Smoking – and Vaping – for Life program is designed to address both the physical addiction and the psychological aspects of smoking or vaping.

  • How Switch-Up Hypnotherapy Helps: We combine hypnotherapy with behaviour modification techniques to reduce the subconscious triggers that lead you to smoke or vape when anxious. By retraining the mind to handle stress more effectively, we help you break free from nicotine dependence and alleviate your anxiety at the same time.

Understanding the Link Between Mental Health Issues and Smoking/Vaping

Many individuals who suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, and panic attacks also smoke cigarettes or vape. This correlation is significant and multifaceted, involving physiological, psychological, and social factors. Understanding these connections is crucial for developing effective treatment plans and supporting individuals in their journey towards better mental and physical health.


Self-Medication Hypothesis

One of the primary reasons people with mental health issues turn to smoking or vaping is the self-medication hypothesis. Nicotine, the primary addictive substance in cigarettes and many vaping products, can temporarily alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress. This short-term relief is due to nicotine’s effects on neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with mood regulation.


  • Anxiety and Panic Attacks: Nicotine can produce a calming effect, which may provide temporary relief from anxiety and panic symptoms. However, this effect is fleeting, and the anxiety often returns, sometimes exacerbated, leading to a cycle of dependency.


  • Depression: Nicotine can create a brief sense of pleasure and relief from depressive symptoms by increasing dopamine levels. However, this effect is temporary, and the need for repeated nicotine intake can lead to addiction and further health complications.


  • PTSD: For individuals with PTSD, smoking or vaping can serve as a coping mechanism to manage intrusive thoughts, hyper-arousal, and other symptoms. The ritual of smoking or vaping can also provide a sense of control and routine.


Neurobiological Factors

The neurobiological mechanisms underlying nicotine addiction are complex. Nicotine stimulates the release of several neurotransmitters, including dopamine, which plays a crucial role in the brain's reward system. For individuals with mental health issues, who often experience dysregulation in these neurotransmitter systems, nicotine can provide a temporary but compelling sense of normality and pleasure.


Psychological and Behavioural Factors

  • Habit Formation: The repetitive nature of smoking and vaping can create strong behavioural habits. For individuals dealing with mental health issues, these habits can provide a sense of structure and predictability in their daily lives.


  • Stress Relief: Many people use smoking or vaping as a way to manage stress. The act of smoking or vaping can serve as a break or a moment of relaxation, offering a perceived respite from ongoing mental health struggles.


  • Social Factors: Smoking and vaping can also be influenced by social contexts. Individuals with mental health issues may find themselves in social circles where smoking or vaping is common, further reinforcing the behaviour.


Negative Reinforcement Cycle

The relationship between mental health issues and nicotine use is often maintained by a cycle of negative reinforcement. Nicotine alleviates symptoms of distress temporarily, but as its effects wear off, the underlying mental health symptoms often return, sometimes more intensely. This leads to repeated use of nicotine to avoid or escape these negative states, reinforcing the addiction.

Impact on Treatment and Recovery

While nicotine may provide short-term relief from mental health symptoms, it can complicate treatment and recovery in the long term. Smoking and vaping have well-documented adverse health effects, including an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, respiratory issues, and cancer. Moreover, nicotine dependence can interfere with the effectiveness of mental health treatments.


  • Interference with Medications: Nicotine can affect the metabolism of certain psychiatric medications, potentially reducing their effectiveness.


  • Withdrawal Symptoms: Nicotine withdrawal can exacerbate symptoms of anxiety and depression, making it challenging for individuals to quit smoking or vaping without support.


  • Overall Health: Poor physical health due to smoking or vaping can negatively impact mental health, creating a vicious cycle that is difficult to break.


The link between depression, anxiety, PTSD, panic attacks, and nicotine use is complex and multifaceted. Understanding the reasons behind this connection can help in developing more effective treatment strategies. At Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, we recognise the importance of addressing both mental health and nicotine dependence to support overall well-being. Our holistic approach aims to help individuals break the cycle of dependency and achieve lasting mental and physical health.


Alcohol, Marijuana, and Other Drug Use

Substances like alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs are often used to numb the uncomfortable feelings associated with anxiety. However, these substances can increase the severity of anxiety symptoms, particularly when the effects wear off, leading to a dangerous cycle of dependence and withdrawal.

  • How Switch-Up Hypnotherapy Helps: Our personalised sessions focus on altering the subconscious patterns that make you reach for alcohol or drugs when anxious. By addressing the emotional triggers that fuel substance use, we help you reduce cravings and develop healthier coping mechanisms. We also work on building a positive mindset, so you no longer feel the need to rely on substances to manage anxiety.


For some, gambling provides a temporary escape from the worries and stress that come with anxiety. The thrill of the gamble can provide a brief respite, but it also leads to significant emotional, financial, and psychological distress over time.

  • How Switch-Up Hypnotherapy Helps: Hypnotherapy is an effective tool for addressing the compulsive nature of gambling. We focus on breaking the subconscious associations between gambling and emotional relief. Through suggestion therapy and guided visualisation, we help you replace the need for gambling with healthier, more productive ways of managing anxiety and stress.


Many people turn to food as a way of self-soothing when they’re feeling anxious. Emotional eating can lead to unhealthy weight gain and a sense of loss of control, which in turn worsens anxiety and self-esteem issues.

  • How Switch-Up Hypnotherapy Helps: Our approach to overeating focuses on changing the relationship between food and emotions. Through hypnotherapy, we address the emotional triggers that cause you to overeat and rewire your subconscious to develop healthier eating habits. By reducing stress and anxiety, we also lessen the drive to use food as a coping mechanism.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD often stems from a need to control anxiety through compulsive rituals or behaviours. These behaviours can range from excessive hand washing to constant checking, all in an attempt to reduce anxious thoughts.

  • How Switch-Up Hypnotherapy Helps: Hypnotherapy helps by targeting the obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours at their source in the subconscious mind. We work to replace these patterns with healthier, more rational responses to anxiety, reducing the need for compulsive behaviours. By addressing the underlying anxiety, we help you regain control over your thoughts and actions.

Body-Focused Repetitive Disorders (BFRDs)

Body-Focused Repetitive Disorders (BFRDs), such as hair-pulling (trichotillomania), skin-picking (dermatillomania), and nail-biting, are often triggered by anxiety or stress. These behaviours provide momentary relief but can lead to significant emotional distress and physical damage over time.

  • How Switch-Up Hypnotherapy Helps: We personalise hypnotherapy to address both the anxiety that triggers BFRDs and the repetitive behaviours themselves. Our sessions focus on reducing the compulsive urges to engage in these behaviours by reprogramming the subconscious mind. We also teach you techniques to manage anxiety in healthier ways, reducing the frequency and severity of BFRD behaviours over time.

Personalised Treatment at Switch-Up Hypnotherapy

At Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, we understand that everyone’s journey with anxiety and negative coping mechanisms is different. That’s why we offer personalised treatment plans that address both your anxiety and any associated behaviours.


  1. Comprehensive Assessment: We begin with an in-depth consultation to identify the anxiety triggers and coping mechanisms affecting your life. Whether you struggle with smoking, substance use, overeating, OCD, or BFRDs, we take the time to understand your unique situation.

  2. Integrated Approach: Our sessions often combine hypnotherapy with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques to address the underlying thoughts and behaviours contributing to your anxiety and unhealthy habits. By addressing both the mental and behavioural aspects, we create a holistic approach to healing.

  3. Customised Sessions: Each session is tailored to your specific needs. For example, if your anxiety is closely linked to smoking, we’ll focus on reducing the triggers that cause you to smoke when stressed. If overeating is your primary concern, we’ll work on developing a healthier relationship with food and reducing emotional eating.

  4. Ongoing Support: Recovery from anxiety and negative coping mechanisms is a journey, not a quick fix. We provide ongoing support, whether through regular hypnotherapy sessions or by teaching you self-hypnosis techniques you can use between appointments to reinforce the positive changes.

  5. Long-Term Results: Our goal is not just to provide temporary relief but to create lasting change. By addressing the subconscious mind and rewiring the way you respond to anxiety, we help you break free from negative coping mechanisms for good.


Switch-Up Hypnotherapy offers a comprehensive, personalised solution to help you overcome both anxiety and the unhealthy behaviours it can trigger. By addressing the root causes and working on both mental and physical levels, we help you reclaim control and live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

If you’re ready to break the cycle of anxiety and unhealthy coping mechanisms, contact Switch-Up Hypnotherapy today to start your journey toward lasting change.

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