How can I stop smoking for free?

Published on 18 April 2024 at 07:00

Quitting smoking without the use of patches, medications, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), or vaping can be challenging, but it's definitely possible. Here are some strategies that may help:


  1. Cold Turkey Approach - quitting smoking or vaping abruptly, without any external assistance, relying only on your willpower to overcome cravings and withdrawal symptoms:

    • Decide on a quit date and stop smoking abruptly on that day.
    • Discard all cigarettes, lighters, vapes, vaping liquid, and ashtrays to remove temptations from your environment. 
    • Stay away from people or situations that make you want to smoke or vape.
    • If there's a place at home where you normally smoke a lot, rearrange the furniture in that area, or better still - give it a makeover - on the day you decide is your quit day. This will provide a strong visual cue that "something has changed"; it's up to you to maintain that change in your habits.
    • Remind yourself of the advantages of not smoking or vaping. Complete the D.I.Y. Brain Training exercise below.
  2. Find Alternative Coping Mechanisms:

    • Identify triggers that make you want to smoke and develop alternative coping mechanisms. This could include deep breathing exercises, going for a walk, chewing gum, or engaging in a hobby.
  3. Support System:

    • Inform friends and family about your decision to quit and ask for their support. Having a strong support system can make the process easier.
  4. Behavioral Changes:

    • Change your routines to avoid situations where you usually smoke. This can help break the association between certain activities and smoking.
  5. Healthy Lifestyle:

    • Adopt a healthier lifestyle by incorporating regular exercise and a balanced diet. Exercise can help reduce cravings and improve your overall well-being.
  6. Stay Hydrated:

    • Drink plenty of water. It can help flush nicotine out of your system and reduce cravings.
  7. Positive Reinforcement:

    • Reward yourself for milestones reached. Set up a reward system for yourself, such as treating yourself to a movie or a special meal when you reach a certain point in your smoke-free journey.
    • Set aside the money you used to spend on smoking and / or vaping in a separate account, and add it at the regular intervals that you used to spend that money. This is your new travel fund, money to buy a new car or motorbike, clothing...
  8. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:

    • Practice mindfulness, meditation, or relaxation techniques to manage stress and anxiety, which are common triggers for smoking.
  9. Stay Busy:

    • Keep yourself occupied with activities that keep your hands and mind busy. This can help distract you from cravings.
  10. Educate Yourself:

    • Learn about the health benefits of quitting smoking and the negative effects of smoking. This knowledge can serve as motivation to stay smoke-free.

How long does it take for dopamine to reset after quitting nicotine cold turkey?


3 months According to research, your dopamine levels will return to normal at this point, and the reward part of your brain no longer requires nicotine. This means that without hypnotherapy, you are in a danger zone for 3 months.
Wth hypnotherapy it is more like 3 weeks, but most people feel like it's instantaneous.


Remember that quitting smoking is a process, and setbacks may occur, especially if you are tackling it alone.

If you find it challenging, don't hesitate to contact me,

Cold Turkey Approach - quitting smoking or vaping abruptly, without any external assistance, relying only on your willpower to overcome cravings and withdrawal symptoms:  Decide on a quit date and stop smoking abruptly on that day. Discard all cigarettes,

DIY Brain Training


Take out a piece of paper, turn it to landscape, and draw 3 columns. Or download the template below.

Write down these as your headings:

1. Reasons why I want to stop smoking - and vaping - for life.

2. Benefits that I expect to experience from stopping smoking and /or vaping for life.

3. Negative consequences of not changing my behaviour.


Spend a while expanding on each item, e.g.

  • Don't just write money - how much do you spend on smoking per week, what does that add up to per year, and what would you rather do with that money?
  • Don't just write health - what has smoking and/or vaping done to your health in the past, and what are the worst case scenarios for your health in the future, and what impact would that have on your family and loved ones?


The next time you think of puffing on your vape or on a cigarette, read through the list again, and add to it if you can.

The aim of this exercise is to train your brain into realising that you are not going to respond to the impulse to smoke or vape in the same way anymore. A week of sticking to this method should make the impulses to smoke or vape less frequent, and weaker when they do arise.


If you find it challenging, don't hesitate to contact me, and bring this exercise with you when you come to see me.


Make a booking now


Luke O'Dwyer

0407 88 45 43

3 Columns Why
Word – 11.0 KB 122 downloads

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